Includes Kondo getting Kondo’d.
#thrifting, #downsizing, #sparkjoy

Author of Aeon 14: Sentience Wars and Galactic Law
Includes Kondo getting Kondo’d.
#thrifting, #downsizing, #sparkjoy
and peeled off the price tag to find the previous owner’s label. Too bad the journal was blank.
#thrifting, #secretstory, #therapy
Spotted this library binding copy Dune at the local thrift store. It had been ridden hard but was in very readable condition. I put it back for someone else to enjoy. I’ve already got too many copies of Dune.
#dune, #frankherbert, #thriftscores, #thrifting
I went down the rabbit hole on Robert Gould, the cover artist for several Elric novels I read as a kid. A seller on ebay had several prints from the 1990 Worldcon still available for a good price and I grabbed one up. Always liked this cover with Stormbringer.
#robertgould, #michaelmoorcock, #ebayfinds, #stormbringer