— #updatebysms
Category: Notes
Daily check-ins and other notes.
Updating my site and socials from my dumbphone via sms. Woot!
— #updatebysms
2060 words on Retreat Hell
:: #sms, #fieldnote
Found on eBay: Palm Centro Nightmare Before Christmas 690 Sprint Wireless PDA Phone 3G

Condition: Used
Seller Note: “Complete With Box, Wires, SD Cards & Inserts. Tested & Works!”
Features: Nightmare Before Christmas
UPC: 0805931028044
Brand: Palm
Screen Size: 2.4 in
Network: Sprint
Color: Black
Model: LG Spirit
Memory Card Type: MicroSD
Storage Capacity: 64 MB
Product Information
Palm Centro gives you voice, text, IM, email and web, all in a phone that’s a lot smaller than you think. It even has a touchscreen and a full keyboard, so you can say L8R to those tricky keys on your cell phone. Carry names and numbers, shoot photos and video, and meet up with friends.
The Royal Vista PDA
Just saving an interesting early PDA I found on ebay. #retrotech, #handheld, #cyberdeck

What is a heterotopia?

These posts led to the question:
- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42425770
- https://mascontext.com/issues/trace/kowloon-walled-city-heterotopia-in-a-space-of-disappearance
- https://cohost.org/belarius/post/6677850-architectural-cross
- https://amzn.to/3BHmjqa
A heterotopia is a concept introduced by the French philosopher Michel Foucault to describe real-world places that function as “other spaces,” existing simultaneously within and outside of the usual norms and structures of society. These spaces are characterized by their ability to juxtapose or connect several different spaces, times, or meanings, creating a unique environment that challenges or reflects on the dominant social order.
Continue reading “What is a heterotopia?”The cycle of consumerism
Includes Kondo getting Kondo’d.
#thrifting, #downsizing, #sparkjoy

Bought a used notebook at the thrift store
and peeled off the price tag to find the previous owner’s label. Too bad the journal was blank.
#thrifting, #secretstory, #therapy

This copy of Dune has seen some stuff
Spotted this library binding copy Dune at the local thrift store. It had been ridden hard but was in very readable condition. I put it back for someone else to enjoy. I’ve already got too many copies of Dune.
#dune, #frankherbert, #thriftscores, #thrifting

Catching the White Wolf
I went down the rabbit hole on Robert Gould, the cover artist for several Elric novels I read as a kid. A seller on ebay had several prints from the 1990 Worldcon still available for a good price and I grabbed one up. Always liked this cover with Stormbringer.
#robertgould, #michaelmoorcock, #ebayfinds, #stormbringer